How do I advertise holidays and promotions?

Holidays & Promotions

Promotions If you are offering a temporary discount, you might ask how it should be included in the ads. Consider the three options below:

  1. Temporarily change all ad copy to include mention of the promotion.
  2. Simply swap out the landing page URL but keep the ad copy the same.
  3. Run a promotions-focused campaign (which is described in the holiday campaigns section below).

Holiday Campaigns
You might try to boost sales surrounding a specific holiday, depending on whether your product is a good fit and whether you have the ability to put together a holiday-specific landing page.

Here is a recommended strategy example surrounding Valentines Day with a $15k spend on holiday-specific ads:

  • Spend $3k three weeks prior to V-Day & then spend the remaining $12k during the last two weeks.

  • Swap out the landing page used in the Branded Campaign to the holiday-specific page temporarily so that anyone familiar with the brand can learn about the limited-time products.

  • Set up a new Smart Shopping Campaign for the holiday-specific products. (If the products are new, then start with a regular Shopping Campaign in order to build conversion data first and then switch to Smart Shopping. See the Bidding Strategies FAQs for more on this.)

  • Set up a new Display Campaign for holiday-specific products.

  • Do not set up a new Search Campaign targeting V-Day Gift search terms (not product specific). A Search Campaign is NOT recommended (because people searching for “valentines day gifts” won’t cost effectively click on this product-specific inbound ad, AND it will be expensive to bid on these keywords to be shown. You can read more about this in the “eCommerce Search vs. Shopping Campaigns” FAQ.) If you have a campaign set up or are being asked to set one up then strangle it (limit the budget severely) to keep it from bringing down the ROAS of your account too much.