How to use Local Campaigns to drive traffic to your physical store

If you have a brick and mortar business and you’re running a special offer or a promotion, you can use Google Ads to drive traffic to your local store.

What are some high-level recommended campaign bidding strategies?

Start new campaigns with a manual bidding strategy until the algorithm has enough data to switch to automatic. Then, see how high you can push the algorithm to automatically raise its goal (i.e. target CPC of $X could be the goal). You must have conversion tracking set up correctly before running any campaigns or else you will be feeding the wrong data into the machine learning algorithms, which will obstruct its ability to get results. You can check this by going to the Conversions report and checking the “Include in Conversions?” column and making sure that only the appropriate conversion actions are included.

Should I run LinkedIn ads?

It is likely that LinkedIn campaigns to warm leads (aka remarketing) could be a good fit, but LinkedIn campaigns to cold leads is only a good fit for a few narrow industries.

How can we make use of my existing customer base? / What is "customer match" used for?

If you have a large customer list, and if your Google account is eligible for "customer match," then you can implement some cross-selling and retargeting campaigns. Because the audience size is limited and much smaller than an audience found on Google, we won't need a large budget for this strategy. After about a month or two of gathering conversion data, we can also create a "similar audience" based on the customer list. Similar audiences are often effective, and we will incorporate it into our proactive targeting campaigns.