Is my branded campaign stealing all my traffic from organic search?

In some instances, yes. But the pros far outweigh the cons. Here are some reasons why you want to run branded campaign projects and how it can get you to the top SERP spot.

When is the best time to run Facebook Ads?

Wait a month or two (because you need to have good enough performance from one platform before testing new networks because it’s always an investment to start a new network and therefore a new learning period) and then launch a Facebook remarketing campaign.

Can I show my product ratings in my ads?

Yes. But we currently don't recommend adding product ratings to ads.

Why is my profit margin becoming thinner as we scale?

When you increase ad spend, it's common to discover your CPL goes up or your ROAS goes down. Here's why.

I Googled a keyphrase for my campaign but I don’t see my ad—why?

Some potential reasons are you are in a competitive industry, you have other key phrases that have proven to convert, there's low search volume, and where you are searching (Google) from.