How are you different from other agencies?

From our excellent qualifications, proven methods, to our winning strategies and value-first culture, we approach every single client and take care of their business doing the best we can. Read more about what makes us unique.

Why is there a discrepancy between Shopify & Google Ads?

Why Google Ads is showing a reporting a different conversion value from Shopify.

How did you create the estimated projections in the action plan?

We use SEO tools and craft a keyword strategy. Then we calculate the total amount of monthly leads/sales and cost-per-lead/sale using the formula on this post.

Why don't my ads appear at the top of the page when I search on Google?

A smart approach would be to work your way to the top by generating affordable leads in a short amount of time with a small amount of budget by bidding on lower position, higher quality keywords. Then start to scale.

How we organize and execute our client management process

Ever wonder what the team here at Solutions 8 does behind the scenes to get our clients the results they want? Here’s a sneak peek: Clear communication, detailed instructions, and exceptional collaboration. More specifically, our whole process helps our team execute a million to-do lists without sacrificing quality and ad performance. We follow proven SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) that never fail, giving our clients a delightful experience as soon as they get onboard.